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Where can I find Meshbody products?Please visit us in-world at The Shops or online on the Marketplace. Not all products are avaliable on the MarketPlace.
What's the difference between Meshbody Legacy & Meshbody ClassicThese are the main differences between the two bodies, give them both a try! Legacy is a more detailed and refined body that fits into most multi-system clothes, it's backwards compatible with many bodies. It has a more realistic aesthetic. Legacy has a brand new skin. The New Classic is a new body, made from scratched designed to fit into 95% of the Original Classic Meshbody clothing. It includes first generation skins and has a more stylized aesthetic. Both bodies are completely different shapes, the aesthics are a personal choice. FEATURES ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ All bodies made by Meshbody share the same features • Hyper detailed hand-painted skins • SL-UV Compatible, open Style applier system • Base Layer + 4 Fully Customizable Body Layers • Target unique body parts for up to 36 Layers • Easily add custom textures • Add custom materials, tint, bump, & spec • Adjust full bright, glow, & more • Browse styles & content in an organized fashion • Auto-Hide & Heel Height Activation Scripts • Unlimited exporting Alpha Presets to inventory • Bakes on Mesh (BOM) supported! • Animated natural hand poses Legacy Pregnancy Edition & Legacy Perky Edition are standalone bodies and are not compatiable with multi-system clothes. They only support items made for the Legacy system.
What's the difference between all the Legacy Editions?These are the main differences between all the Legacy bodies, give them all a try! Legacy | Special Edition (m/f) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ This edition is a more detailed and refined body that fits into most multi-system clothes, it's backwards compatible with many bodies. It has a more realistic aesthetic. This edition includes a new skin, a premium outfit, fit deformers (upper & lower clothing deformers + feet) and shapes. Legacy | Pregnancy Edition (f) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Celebrate your most precious moment in life with the all new Legacy Pregnancy Edition, best of all - no maternity clothing required, Legacy Pregnancy will fit all of your Legacy clothing! Legacy Pregnancy includes an all new series of Pregnancy skins, and new updated skintones designed especially to achieve even more natural deep tones. Legacy Pregnancy is only meant to be used during your pregnancy, and works for your first through third trimesters! It is not designed to replace your Original Legacy Meshbody. Before and after your visible pregnancy, continue using your Original Legacy Meshbody as normal. WORKS WITH ALL LEGACY CLOTHING Legacy Pregnancy was designed to work with your existing Legacy clothing, so you don’t need to buy special clothing just for your Pregnancy! However some designers may choose to optimize some maternity-only clothing if they wish for the perfect fit. Fit Deformers are not supported for pregnancy body, except for the feet. Please ensure you wear clothing fit specifically for Legacy Meshbody. WORKS WITH ALL SHAPES Legacy Pregnancy is shape adjustable, which means by adjusting your shape, you can achieve a small baby bump to a full belly ready to pop! Use the included shapes, or your own! Please see the Pregnancy Shape Guide with in-depth instructions on how to shape your body during your pregnancy. ANIMATION For a realistic look, your spine mobility is limited during pregnancy. If you’d like to disable this, type ‘/free movement’ in chat. To restore the natural movement, type ‘/natural movement’ in chat. Legacy Pregnancy does not include any other animations, please use your own AOs as you wish. Legacy | Perky Edition (f) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Made especially for those looking for a smaller & more pert bosom, or a more anime-stylized larger bosom. Legacy Perky will fit all of your original Legacy clothing, but for perfectly fitted tops - look out for new 'Legacy Perky' option in new and future releases, with 100's of designers releasing new Perky fits! Fit Deformers are not supported for perky body, except for the feet. Please ensure you wear clothing fit specifically for Legacy Meshbody. All bodies are completely different shapes, the aesthics are a personal choice. FEATURES ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ All bodies made by Meshbody share the same features • Hyper detailed hand-painted skins • SL-UV Compatible, open Style applier system • Base Layer + 4 Fully Customizable Body Layers • Target unique body parts for up to 36 Layers • Easily add custom textures • Add custom materials, tint, bump, & spec • Adjust full bright, glow, & more • Browse styles & content in an organized fashion • Auto-Hide & Heel Height Activation Scripts • Unlimited exporting Alpha Presets to inventory • Bakes on Mesh (BOM) supported! • Animated natural hand poses
How can I redeliver my products?Option 1 Please visit the store and in the landing room turn around for the redelivery terminal. If the loading screen doesn’t change, try clicking on the hud a few times to force your viewer to load the page. To use the redelivery terminal, media needs to be enabled. Please read the steps below to make sure you have the proper settings checked. ✍️ Please enable these settings to get your media working properly. Do not check 'Enable Media Filter' After you've done that, please click on the redelivery terminal again. TROUBLESHOOTING If your media is still not working, please make sure you have Javascript enabled. More tips! If you're using a firewall, please make sure you allow dullahan_host.exe. Still can't get media to work? Try this: Delete corrupted prefs in Firestorm - In Windows > /Users/"username"/Application Data/Firestorm/user_settings/ - In Linux > /home/"username"/.firestorm_x64/user_settings/ While logged out, delete everything inside the folder. Then log back in. Option 2 You can request a redelivery of your very last purchase via our chat group Legacy Lovers! 1) Join: Legacy Lovers 2) In group chat type "!redeliver" and your very last purchase will be redelivered! If you need another item to be redelivered, please visit the store and use our redelivery terminal using Option 1. Optional Tip Only in the case you're an advanced user and you want to, enable the Media Filter, please remember to add this domain: as Allowed Domain.
I don't see my item in the redelivery terminal.First please make sure you have the proper settings enabled for the redelivery terminal to work. Click on 'How can I redeliver my products?' above. After you've done those steps, and you still don't see your item, please continue below. If you're not seeing your product in the redelivery terminal, please message MeshbodyHelp.Resident. Your request will be submitted to our technical support team, and they will look into the transaction and deliver your item. Please remember this process can take up to two business days from the time the form has been filled out. (Monday-Friday) The technical support team will message and deliver the product once your request has been processed. Please note that filling out the form multiple times, messaging support concierge more than once will not speed up your request. *each duplicate request resets the due date
Do I need to purchase an all new wardrobe such as clothes, shoes etc when switching to Legacy Special Edition?Nope! 🥳 Legacy comes with an all new system that allows you to wear up to 90% your current wardrobe. After you purchase your body, unpack 'Fit'. Wear the Fit Deformers to use your clothing and accessories designed for other body systems. Like magic the items will adapt to the Legacy body. That huge shoe collection you have stashed away for years becomes viable once again! 😊 Legacy Pregnancy Edition & Legacy Perky Edition are standalone bodies and are not compatible with multi-system clothes. They only support items made for the Legacy system.
What's the difference between Meshbody Legacy & Meshbody Classic?These are the main differences between the two bodies, give them both a try! Legacy is a more detailed and refined body that fits into most multi-system clothes, it's backwards compatible with many bodies. It has a more realistic aesthetic. Legacy has a brand new skin. The New Classic is a new body, made from scratched designed to fit into 95% of the Original Classic Meshbody clothing. It includes first generation skins and has a more stylized aesthetic. Both bodies are completely different shapes, the aesthics are a personal choice. FEATURES ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ All bodies made by Meshbody share the same features • Hyper detailed hand-painted skins • SL-UV Compatible, open Style applier system • Base Layer + 4 Fully Customizable Body Layers • Target unique body parts for up to 36 Layers • Easily add custom textures • Add custom materials, tint, bump, & spec • Adjust full bright, glow, & more • Browse styles & content in an organized fashion • Auto-Hide & Heel Height Activation Scripts • Unlimited exporting Alpha Presets to inventory • Bakes on Mesh (BOM) supported! • Animated natural hand poses Legacy Pregnancy Edition & Legacy Perky Edition are standalone bodies and are not compatiable with multi-system clothes. They only support items made for the Legacy system.
What's the difference between all the Legacy Editions?These are the main differences between all the Legacy bodies, give them all a try! Legacy | Special Edition (m/f) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ This edition is a more detailed and refined body that fits into most multi-system clothes, it's backwards compatible with many bodies. It has a more realistic aesthetic. This edition includes a new skin, a premium outfit, fit deformers (upper & lower clothing deformers + feet) and shapes. Legacy | Pregnancy Edition (f) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Celebrate your most precious moment in life with the all new Legacy Pregnancy Edition, best of all - no maternity clothing required, Legacy Pregnancy will fit all of your Legacy clothing! Legacy Pregnancy includes an all new series of Pregnancy skins, and new updated skintones designed especially to achieve even more natural deep tones. Legacy Pregnancy is only meant to be used during your pregnancy, and works for your first through third trimesters! It is not designed to replace your Original Legacy Meshbody. Before and after your visible pregnancy, continue using your Original Legacy Meshbody as normal. WORKS WITH ALL LEGACY CLOTHING Legacy Pregnancy was designed to work with your existing Legacy clothing, so you don’t need to buy special clothing just for your Pregnancy! However some designers may choose to optimize some maternity-only clothing if they wish for the perfect fit. Fit Deformers are not supported for pregnancy body, except for the feet. Please ensure you wear clothing fit specifically for Legacy Meshbody. WORKS WITH ALL SHAPES Legacy Pregnancy is shape adjustable, which means by adjusting your shape, you can achieve a small baby bump to a full belly ready to pop! Use the included shapes, or your own! Please see the Pregnancy Shape Guide with in-depth instructions on how to shape your body during your pregnancy. ANIMATION For a realistic look, your spine mobility is limited during pregnancy. If you’d like to disable this, type ‘/free movement’ in chat. To restore the natural movement, type ‘/natural movement’ in chat. Legacy Pregnancy does not include any other animations, please use your own AOs as you wish. Legacy | Perky Edition (f) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Made especially for those looking for a smaller & more pert bosom, or a more anime-stylized larger bosom. Legacy Perky will fit all of your original Legacy clothing, but for perfectly fitted tops - look out for new 'Legacy Perky' option in new and future releases, with 100's of designers releasing new Perky fits! Fit Deformers are not supported for perky body, except for the feet. Please ensure you wear clothing fit specifically for Legacy Meshbody. All bodies are completely different shapes, the aesthics are a personal choice. FEATURES ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ All bodies made by Meshbody share the same features • Hyper detailed hand-painted skins • SL-UV Compatible, open Style applier system • Base Layer + 4 Fully Customizable Body Layers • Target unique body parts for up to 36 Layers • Easily add custom textures • Add custom materials, tint, bump, & spec • Adjust full bright, glow, & more • Browse styles & content in an organized fashion • Auto-Hide & Heel Height Activation Scripts • Unlimited exporting Alpha Presets to inventory • Bakes on Mesh (BOM) supported! • Animated natural hand poses
What clothes work with the Meshbody Legacy?Legacy Special Edition comes with an all new system that allows you to wear up to 90% your current wardrobe. After you purchase your body, unpack 'Fit'. Wear the Fit Deformers to use your clothing and accessories designed for other body systems. Like magic the items will adapt to the Legacy body. That huge shoe collection you have stashed away for years becomes viable once again! 😊 Legacy Pregnancy Edition & Legacy Perky Edition are standalone bodies and are not compatiable with multi-system clothes. They only support items made for the Legacy system. Please look out for items marked as Legacy Meshbody for the best fit! To find new items made, check out the Legacy Release group on Flickr. To find items made specially for Perky, check out the Perky Release group on Flickr.
What clothes work with the Meshbody Classic?Classic Meshbody fits into 95% of TheMeshProject clothing. There have been reports that customers have luck fitting pre-fitmesh (standard size clothing) with the Classic Meshbody. Please look out for items marked as Classic Meshbody for the best fit! To find new items made, check out the Classic Release group on Flickr.
How do I remove a style from the body?There's a few ways to remove an applied style from your body. Lets have a look at those options! 🤗 Option 1 On the [EDIT] hud click on the style tab. (Second button from the left.) Next choose the category where your item is applied from. Last, locate the erase button at the bottom of the Style page. Click on the erase icon and click on the style type. Your applied style will be removed from your body. Option 2 Wear the Advanced Material Editor. Choose the layer you have your style applied to. Click the erase icon to erase the whole layer. Option 3 Wear the [EDIT] hud, on the body panel locate the Reset button at the bottom. This will remove all applied styles to your body and reset to factory settings.
Does Meshbody support Bakes on Mesh? (BOM)Yes! Traditional layer support works with Legacy and Classic bodies. Also known to the community as Bakes On Mesh (BOM). No redelivery required! Under the skin tab, click on the filter icon to access BOM. If you wish to remove BOM, click on one of the skins included in the Style panel, or use a 3rd party applier hud. TIPS! Appliers will still work on top of BOM! This will allow you to add a little more customization for tattoos, shine appliers and more. If your body is red, please remove your alpha wearable. Alpha wearables are not needed when enabling BOM What is BOM? And why do I need it? Learn more about Bakes on Mesh... *Applier creation is still highly recommended for total customization*
Easy adjust body features via chat commandsIn local chat, type one of the following commands: /1meshbody heart on /1meshbody heart off /1meshbody toenails on /1meshbody toenails off /1meshbody fingernails on /1meshbody fingernails off /1meshbody bom on /1meshbody bom off /1meshbody clear layer 1 /1meshbody clear layer 2 /1meshbody clear layer 3 /1meshbody clear layer 4 /1meshbody clear socks /1meshbody clear gloves /1meshbody clear neckfade /1meshbody toggle layer 1 /1meshbody toggle layer 2 /1meshbody toggle layer 3 /1meshbody toggle layer 4 /1meshbody reset * Resets the body to factory settings. /1meshbody delete scripts *Please make a copy of your body before deleting scripts. You will not be able to make changes after you delete scripts.
Pregnancy Edition: How do I turn the AO off?For a realistic look, your spine mobility is limited during pregnancy.🤰 If you’d like to disable this, type ‘/free movement’ in chat. To restore the natural movement, type ‘/natural movement’ in chat. Legacy Pregnancy does not include any other AO animations, please use your own AO as you wish.
Please read notecards included.This section will be updated with questions, tips and tricks! In the meantime please read the notecards included with your product.
How do I enable Media?Please enable these settings to get your media working properly. Do not check 'Enable Media Filter' After you've done that, please reattach your hud. TROUBLESHOOTING If your media is still not working, please make sure you have Javascript enabled. More tips! If you're using a firewall, please make sure you allow dullahan_host.exe. Still can't get media to work? Try this: Delete corrupted prefs in Firestorm - In Windows > /Users/"username"/Application Data/Firestorm/user_settings/ - In Linux > /home/"username"/.firestorm_x64/user_settings/ While logged out, delete everything inside the folder. Then log back in.
How do I remove a style from the body?There's a few ways to remove an applied style from your body. Lets have a look at those options! 🤗 Option 1 On the [EDIT] hud click on the style tab. (Second button from the left.) Next choose the category where your item is applied from. Last, locate the erase button at the bottom of the Style page. Click on the erase icon and click on the style type. Your applied style will be removed from your body. Option 2 Wear the Advanced Material Editor. Choose the layer you have your style applied to. Click the erase icon to erase the whole layer. Option 3 Wear the [EDIT] hud, on the body panel locate the Reset button at the bottom. This will remove all applied styles to your body and reset to factory settings.
[EDIT] HUD: Home PageYour basic essentials on the [HOME] page: ┌─────────────────┐ │ Shine Presets │ Bump Presets │ Neck Fit │ Nail Lengths + On / Off │ Hand Poses │ Hand AO │ Heel Height │ Ankle Lock │ Layer Hide / Show │ Gloves & Socks On / Off └─────────────────┘
[EDIT] HUD: How do I delete a style?This feature is being worked on, keep an eye out for its debut!
[EDIT] HUD: How do I enable Bakes on Mesh? (BOM)Traditional layer support works with Legacy and Classic bodies, also known to the community as Bakes On Mesh (BOM). To activate this feature, wear the [EDIT] HUD and open your Style Browser (the middle navigation icon). In the Skin category, which is active by default, click on the Filter icon on the top right and click 'Apply BOM'. To de-activate BOM, click on one of the free Skins included in your Style Browser, or wear any Skin applier of your choice. TIPS! Appliers will still work on top of BOM! This will allow you to add a little more customization for tattoos, shine appliers and more. If your body is red, please remove your alpha wearable. Alpha wearables are not needed when enabling BOM What is BOM? And why do I need it? Learn more about Bakes on Mesh... *Applier/style creation is still highly recommended for total customization which support advanced material properties*
[EDIT] HUD: HOME: Shine PresetsATTENTION: This is only designed to be used together with the included Legacy skins, BOM and 3rd party styles (appliers) use their own shine and bump settings. Applying shine/bump from the home page will remove your 3rd party skin style and have unwanted side effects. Using the Advanced Materials Editor HUD instead is mandatory to edit your glossiness in these other cases Click a circle representing each setting to switch between the options. Displayed in order of level of Glossiness: 1) None 2) Natural 3) Glossy TIPS ◦ To customize your body's glossiness and color, please refer to the "Advanced Material Editor". Troubleshooting ◦ Go to Preferences > Graphics and make sure "Bump mapping and shiny" is enabled. ◦ Try various environments, lighting, and Sky Presets. If you're lighting is evenly disbursed lacking an obvious light source, shine will likely not be visible. 3rd party styles (appliers) use their own shine and bump settings. Applying shine/bump from the home page will remove your 3rd party skin style.
Where can I get the applier kit? AKA Styles Kit!If you would like to create styles for our body, please unpack '' located in your body folder. Inside this folder you will find instructions and scripts for creating your Styles. Please make sure you have the newest version (1.0.4) before creating. Don't forget to download our style templates! We have a variety of PSD's for you to download and fit your styles into. Please visit our Create section. Our bodies UV is the closest thing to the Second Life avatar you'll find on the grid.
Do you have any pre-made templates for the Styles Kit?Yes! We have a variety of PSD's for you to download and fit your items into. Please visit our Create section. Our bodies UV is the closest thing to the Second Life avatar you'll find on the grid.
I don't own the body, is there another way to get the Styles Kit?"Currently the only way to create styles is by owning the body, the kit talks with the body to make the applier you're making. You only need to own one body to create for any gender or body type. Don't forget to download our style templates! We have a variety of PSD's for you to download and fit your styles into. Please visit our Createsection. Our bodies UV is the closest thing to the Second Life avatar you'll find on the grid.
Where can I get a mesh kit?It brings us joy you want to create for our products! 🥰 We've made the process very easy and the kits we provide are very easy to use. Please apply for a mesh kit on our create page. 🎨
How long does it take to get a mesh kit?Due to the hundreds of applications we recieve on a weekly bases, applications roughtly take 2 business weeks to process. If a holiday is during the time you've submitted, it may take longer. We do our best to process them as soon as possible! If you have not heard from us, its most likely your application did not meet our guidelines. Due to the amount of applications, we're unable to respond and tell you if you've been declined. If you still have not heard from us and you meet the guidelines by having a store, regulary release products and create clothing and or accessories related to avatars. Please submit a new application 3 weeks from your first submission. Mesh-kits are business liceneses only at this time, personal and hobbyist mesh-kits are not yet released.
Do you provide autohide scripts?We do! We wanted to make autohiding super easy and fun for your meshes. Please unpack '' located in your body folder. Once unpacked, select the areas you want to hide using the Alpha panel. Next rez your mesh, drop in the script and you're done! 😲 Don't forget to change script permissions. 👩💻 Current version is 1.1
Do you have scripts for shoes?We do! We thought it would be super cool if your shoe automatically changed the foot height when a customer wore your product. 😎 Please unpack '' in your body folder. Inside you'll find all the shoe heights, simply drop the desired shoe height script into the root prim of your shoes. These boots are now made for walking.👢😉 Only one script is needed if both shoes are linked together. Don't forget to change script permissions. 👨💻
I would love to blog your products!Thank you so much for your interest in wanting to blog the content we create, it means so much to us you want to share the creations we make. ❤️ At this time we’re not accepting any new bloggers, however please send a message to MeshbodyHelp.Resident with your information, blog url, and other info that may be helpful so we can put it in our database. Again, thank you for your interest. If you decide to blog our products please send us a link, we love seeing what others post. 💖
Refund & Exchange PolicyWe are unable to exchange or refund items that are no transfer. No exceptions. No transfer items cannot be redelivered to another account. You'll need to purchase the item again. If the exact same item was purchased twice using Linden Dollars, we will refund the double purchase. Please provide both transaction numbers located on to our support channel MeshbodyHelp.Resident.
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